What does IU’s Intellectual Property Policy mean for Instructional Materials?


Under IUPUI’s current Intellectual Property Policy, “The University may use Traditional Works of Scholarship, including Online Instructional Materials, created for ordinary classroom and program use, such as syllabi, assignments, and tests, for administrative purposes, which may include course equivalency assessments for transfer purposes, accreditation agency reviews, and other functions that allow the University to fulfill its responsibilities for accountability.”

Additionally, “If a Creator of Online Instructional Materials leaves the University, he or she hereby grants the University a non-exclusive, royalty-free, worldwide, unlimited license to use the Online Instructional Materials for Online Instruction, including the right to revise such Online Instructional Materials.”  This means that the university reserves the right to use your materials as models for other incoming instructors.


  • Last Updated May 16, 2024
  • Views 15
  • Answered By Gemmicka Piper

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