How do I link to Persistent or Stable URLs from library databases?


When you search a library database, the URL in the browser window is usually NOT a persistent or stable URL, also known as PURLs (persistent universal resources locators). That means, if you try to use the URL again at a later date to access the article, it will not work. While conducting your research you need to make sure you use the persistent URL when linking to articles in library databases.

To find persistent URLs in library databases, click on the title of the article in which you are interested. The persistent URL will appear in different locations depending on the database. For example, in an EBSCO database, once you click on the title, in the right-hand column list of options, you’ll see “Permalink.” Click it for the persistent URL. In a ProQuest database, after clicking the title, click the “Abstract/Details” tab and scroll towards the bottom of the page. There you’ll find the “Document URL.”

If you are using persistent links from off campus, you may be required to login to your university account or connect to the campus VPN for the persistent links to work.

Persistent links are not appropriate for use in a citations page. If a researcher outside of the IU system would like to check your sources, they will not be able to. Instead use a DOI for your citations or to direct a researcher to the exact article. See, "What is a DOI?"


  • Last Updated May 16, 2024
  • Views 272
  • Answered By Gary Maixner

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